It has been quiet for awhile but there has been a new development in the Moment of Silence case which we initiated a little more than a year ago. The judge has asked for oral arguments to be presented on June 1st.
I hope the judge strikes this down pretty quick as moment of silence bills have been popping up in additional states such as Illinois. To have millions of public school children waste a minute of education each day for a practice that has no secular purpose seems to me like a great sin.
Are you kidding me? I believe your waste of precious time with the courts is a sin. Certainly you could find something other than a moment of silence to put your efforts towards. Exactly who is the moment of silence hurting? You should learn to pick battles worth fighting for as opposed to just trying to make headlines.
Mr. Croft as long as schools are still giving tests, prayer will always be there. You are a lost soul, and you have my sympathy. I hope you come around to see the truth before the rapture.
I feel so sorry for you. One of the things my doctor says to do to relieve stress is to close my eyes for a few minutes a day and meditate or pray. This is not hurting anyone except your children. And how absolutely embarrasing for them. But know that God still loves you. He always will. I hope that you realize the truth about God before Jesus returns. I will be praying for you.
Mr. Croft, are you not aware of what the word reflection means? It has nothing to do with religion. Your children must be so embarassed by your actions and stop wasting my tax dollars by tying up the court system on such ridiculous nonsense. You have a right to be an athiest, but I bet if you were thrown in the bottom of a well with no way out, you would find God very quickly.
Religion or no religion, this lawsuit is a waste of time and a waste of my tax dollars. Since when in America does the majority not rule anymore? And you sue because the minority doesn't like something that is rediculious! Have your children read a book during the moment of silence that way they don't waste time learning. Get a life!!
Mr. Croft, just because you do not believe in something does not mean it ceases to exist. Your denial of God's existence has no bearing whatsoever on the fact that He does, in fact, exist. You can't see germs, but they exist. You can't see dreams, but they do occur. You can't see God, but He is very real. He loves you more than you despise Him. I find it interesting that athiests, as you describe yourself to be, live in such a curious paradox. For on some level, you must first acknowledge that something does exist in order to so vehemently argue that it does not. I can only imagine that you are an educated man with great ambition and drive or you would not have kept up this fight for so long. I wonder what victories you might accomplish if you were to devote the same energy to medical research or charity work, rather than fight for something you ultimately have zero control over. I find it remarkably arrogant of you to think that you alone can control the silent thought processes of millions of school children. Even if you succeed in this ridiculous endeavor of silencing silence, you will never remove prayer from school. In fact, no one can control how or when children talk to their Heavenly Father. You may remove the formal setting for silent prayer, but what 's next? Are you then going to insist that teachers maintain a constant chatter in the classroom to avoid an accidental silence when a child might have an opportunity to sneak in a prayer? Should we abolish lunchtime in schools for fear that a child might pray before they eat? If this sounds absurd to you, I agree. In the same manner, your mission to abolish 60 seconds of silence when a child MIGHT pray is equally as absurd. I pity you and I hope that one day you might come to know Christ before you find out too late that He is in fact quite real.
You are a fu!*#@! IDIOT, wasting our tax dollars on something that 99% or American's do every day; close their eyes & relax. Crawl back under that rock and go straight down where you belong!!!!
Do something worthwhile instead of spending your time and money shoving your anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-religion bigotry down everyone else's throat? Just deal with the fact that since you decide to deny God's existence you are in the minority.
Learn a little TOLERANCE of other's religious beliefs. Thats right I said it, TOLERANCE, that little trait so many of you progressives complain that Christians do not have.
Just because your life is empty and God-less, don't force your misery on the rest. I feel bad for your children. How lost and confused they must be,
To have millions of public school children waste a minute of education each day for a practice that has no secular purpose seems to me like a great sin. HAHAHAHA! Without a god, there is no sin! Are you some kind of courtroom version of an internet troll?
I find your choice of the word sin to be interesting, since that is primarily a religious concept. I am not a christian but I do respect their right to have a moment of silence. If you wish to ban time wasting in the public school system, there are better targets of opportunity. From what little I've read of you, you strike me as another disillusioned christian, who now finds it necessary to strike back at the believers. Sorry, I don't believe, but I say let them believe up to the point they infringe upon me, and a moment of silence is not an infringement. You are sadly misguided in your apparent hate.
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