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Dallas, Texas, United States

Monday, February 24, 2025

Parental Basic Income

I think that Universal Basic Income (UBI) is inevitable as technology makes more jobs obsolete.  When enough voters lose their jobs, they will seek political change.  That change will stabilize when UBI becomes law.

People will then shift from finding meaning in their work to finding meaning in spending time with each other.  Whether those people are mostly old friends or mostly new family depends on the affordability of housing.  Raising children is meaningful work but it requires an extra bedroom.

I propose Parental Basic Income (PBI) as a first step towards UBI.  Since the invention of birth control, many potential parents have chosen to reduce the risk of childhood poverty by not having children.  PBI will create a future in which parents are confident that they can raise a happy family.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Bernie Sanders

I really like Senator Bernie Sanders.  I have been watching his speeches on YouTube recently and I generally like what I am hearing.  I also started listening to his latest book It's OK to be Angry About Capitalism.

What I am hoping to find in his book is something describing what I have been seeing in those countries that have adopted the Nordic Model.  Those countries seem to be doing better across the board in multiple categories.  I think we should start adopting some of their policies to see if those would also work for us.

I think I voted for Bernie some years ago in a primary election.  When I tell people that I am a libertarian that wishes Bernie Sanders were President, I know I am telling a bit of a joke as most will perceive that there is some cognitive dissonance there.  I am still trying to figure out what the common appeal is for me between libertarianism and the Nordic Model as they seem to be opposed.
Like my parents, Bernie is his mid-eighties now so I imagine he will be retiring soon.  I am hoping to learn what I can from him while he is still politically active and distill those lessons into some general principles.  I will also be looking for the "Bernies" of succeeding generations.