On 2007 August 7th, the same day that a judge heard oral arguments on our moment of silence lawsuit, our attorney filed a new lawsuit on behalf of my family and another North Texas family challenging the constitutionality of a new law adding the words "under God" to the Texas state pledge.
On 2007 August 28th, a few days after the school year started when the new state pledge law went into effect, another judge denied our request for a preliminary injunction. The case proceeds but a hearing date has not yet been set.
For a list of links to news stories on this topic, please see my new State Pledge webpage. Please also see the related blog entries by my wife Shannon and our attorney Dean Cook.
Mr. Cook informed me recently that the transcripts for the Moment of Silence oral arguments are now available, indicating that we might have a ruling from the judge soon. I hope to post a copy of the transcripts as I was quite impressed with what Mr. Cook said to the judge, particularly in his summary.

Thanks again David and thanks Mr. Cook, it was nice to meet you and get some friendly advice about legal representation if I ever need it.
I thought about a book title for you. It's called 'Am I the Only one who can't smell the doo doo in my voodoo? What a waste of talent and time. I guess no good story can exist without a man in a black hat. Why are you wasting your time on pledges and silence? I think you should sue our federal gov. to remove all religous items from our nations capital buildings. You know, cut the head off the snake and the rest will die. I think you can get it done. As a matter of fact you should start calling all atheist to this battle. You should buy billboards, newspaper ads, and commercial spots on radio and tv. I think it is time that you start a push to remove all evidence of Gods existence from any state, local and federal building in the USA. All government employees must sign a document denying belief in God or they will be fired and no hired believers. Most xianist aren't strong enough in their belief anyway to deny themselves a job because of it. David you are right on track and I encourage you to stop this small thinking and mobilize an Army of like minded Atheists to bring down the Xian rule in this Republic.
I have a book for you, it's called the bible and if you believe it's true then you don't understand why it's labeled mythology/fiction. Now, that we are done taunting I realize we can't go back and change many things. But we can fix the infusion of religion happening now. We already have all of that except billboards maybe. New stuff I will fight against. All government employees have the freedom of religion under the Constitution. Most xians realize they need a job to pay the bills just like atheists and religion shouldn't play a role in hiring or their work. There is no xian rule in this republic except for the violations and that's all we want changed.
I, a high school junior, was also angered when I stepped into class on the first day of school and heard the new words. A couple of weeks later my school newspaper printed a "god-awful" article in favor of the revision. My reply is on my blog, which I thought you might be interested in. Shame your attempts failed.
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